This Generation is the Golden Age of Wedding Photography

The 1800s was the birth period of photography and part of it was the introduction of wedding photography. There was no concept of wedding photographers back in the day but wedding photos did exist as early as 1854. A quick internet search will reveal that the oldest wedding photo taken was a recreation of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert’s wedding four years after the actual one. In Australia, the earliest wedding photo was dated 1909. These were mostly daguerreotype pictures meaning they were “printed” on a silvered copper plate. Couples were usually confined in studios since the technology back then was not as advanced for outdoor photography.

It wasn’t until the mid-1900s when wedding photography started to pick up again with marriages on the rise post World War II. It wasn’t long when the wedding industry started to become a league of its own generating a multitude of services and products around this special occasion.

Many of these businesses have set up shop in CBDs, including wedding photographers in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane. As the camera became more portable and powerful, wedding photography started to adopt a photojournalistic style enabling it to shoot outdoors and in various lighting conditions. The rise of film photography and the Kodak allowed typical consumers to take photos themselves.

We are blessed to be in the golden age of wedding photography. Today, wedding photographers are able to provide services that are way beyond what our great grandparents have experienced. Every moment can now be captured from different angles, in crisp and impeccable detail. More recently, videos have taken much of this space allowing Hollywood-like editing and cinematography. The availability of drones, gimbals, and other equipment contributed to the rapid advancement of the profession.

Wedding photographers of this generation can also offer a variety of styles and aesthetics. Some have built a reputation for urban landscapes, while some have developed their techniques around nature and the outdoors. There are those who excel in portrait photography like Anne Leibovitz while some do extremely well in events photography. All of these are captured in their portfolios which soon-to-be couples need to study very well in order to match their vision to the strengths of the photographer they will hire.

Whether you’re in Sydney, Melbourne, or Brisbane, wedding photography is an essential component in any wedding today. There’s no better time to get married because you will be backed by a team of professional photographers who can capture every moment from your pre-nuptials to your honeymoon. You may not fully appreciate it now, but down the line, as you build a family and bear children, you will all look back at your photos and videos of this special day, something that our great grandparents wished they had during their time.

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